Thursday, 12 March 2015

CASE STORY - The Demon that remembered its place in heaven before their fall

We had this case with the demon of pride possessing a woman. The exorcism dragged on a for more than two hours. She was the second case for the day. We did the exorcism prayers at least three times using the Ritual of Exorcism published under the authority of Paul V and reissued under Pope Pius XI in 1925. The demon was very strong, he could resist the prayers. He remained silent most of the time. But when it does speak he mocks the prayers and the proclamation of the Word of God.

At one point I seem to have caught the spiritually afflicted while in a trance to be moaning on those parts of the exorcism prayer that reminded the demon of his being thrown out of heaven. The exorcism prayer was said in Latin but I give here its English translation:
"It is He who commands you, He who flung you headlong from the heights of heaven into the depths of hell." (Wellers 1952, Exorcism Prayer I)
I noticed too that it was moaning when that part of Exorcism Prayer II is said:
 "to whom the heavenly Virtues and Powers and Dominations are subject, whom the Cherubim and Seraphim praise with unending cries as they sing: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Saboath."
Since the Instruction n.17 of the Ritual says:
He (the exorcist) will pay attention as to what words in particular cause the evil spirits to tremble, repeating them the more frequently. And when he comes to a threatening expression, he recurs to it again and again, always increasing the punishment."
I did as instructed but I modified it by addressing the exorcism team at that time to join the angelic hosts in the unceasing hymn of praise to God. We started to repeat the Sanctus:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
in the presence of the Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. God knows how many times we repeated that prayer. At first there was just a soft moan. And every time we repeated the Sanctus the moaning became louder and louder. We knew then that this praise of the Most High was tormenting the unclean spirit terribly. I whispered to the ear of the afflicted and commanded her to join as in saying the Sanctus. At first she had difficulty pronouncing the words in English. But I encouraged her to say it. Every time she would attempt, the demon in a husky voice would shout "No! Do not pray!" I commanded the demon to kneel before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and to proclaim His praise and holiness. This created the breakthrough because when the spiritually afflicted started to kneel and recite the angelic hymn, the recitation was at first difficult, there was a strong resistance. But we continued insisting to recognize the glory of the Lord, and finally it did. At first slowly then with cadence. The demon shouted and shouted but we simply continued the angelic hymn. Then we heard the voice of the afflicted reciting the angelic hymn. When she repeated it with us, we knew that liberation was near. The last straw for the demon was when I commanded the spiritually afflicted to repeat continuously: "Lord Jesus, I kneel before you, I glorify you, and I adore you." This act of worship sealed the fate of the demon and the liberation of the afflicted.

It was pride that caused the fallen angels to lose their heavenly status. The angelic hymn was the hymn they used to sing in the presence of the divine majesty. Seeing the intensity of the praises of God from the lips of the lowly human creatures, reminded the demons of their once noble status in heaven before their rebellion and fall. Now these human beings they so despised would replace them in the heavenly ranks joining the myriads and myriads of the angels who remained faithful to the Most High and the numerous Blesseds and Saints who now are one with the Holy Angels in praising God and beholding His glorious presence. The act of true worship and humility before the One True God by the spiritually afflicted, finally freed her from the fallen angel that refused to worship God.


The Nature of the Fallen Angels

5.1 The Nature of the Fallen Angels

In the beginning when God created the invisible world, the world of the angels, God created them good...
"The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 391)
But there were those who rejected His eternal plan and rebelled against Him. They could not accept what He was planning to do.
"Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels. This “fall” consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign." (CCC 392)
Traditionally, this is the part of Scripture that describes the reason of the fall of a third of the angelic hosts:
"How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.
But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.
" (Isaiah 14:12-15).
Lucifer (the morning star, son of the dawn) desired to be god without God! He envied the prerogatives of God. (CCC 391)


Knowing the Enemy --The Devil


The Devil is known by many names as attested to by the various exorcism prayers of the Church.

In the Exorcism Prayer of St. John Chrysostom, he is known as:
  • Satan – accuser, opposer, (apostate)
  • Devil -- slanderer
  • Blasphemous originator of evil
  • Leader of the revolt of the adversaries
  • Author of wickedness
  • Spirit of impurity
  • Spirit of evil
  • Spirit of night and day
  • Spirit of noontime and of the evening
  • Spirit of midnight
  • Spirit of illusion
  • Spirit of visitation
  • Spirit of the earth or of the water, which goes about the works of harm, in the groves of trees, or in marshes, or in cliffs, at crossroads, or the meeting of three ways, in lakes, or rivers, in buildings, in courtyards and in bath-houses that leads astray the mind of man.

 In the Exorcism Prayer of St. Basil the Great of Caesarea, he is known as:

  • Beelzebub – lord of the flies which rot anything clean
  • Unclean
  • Defiled
  • Infernal
  • Abysmal
  • False
  • Ugly
  • Visible because of shamelessness
  • Invisible because of hypocrisy.
In the Roman Rite of Exorcism (Wellers 1952 English Translation), he is referred to as:

  • Fugitive and fallen tyrant
  • Noonday demon
  • Beast that lays waste the vineyard of the Lord
  • Reprobate dragon
  • Unclean spirit
  • Satan
  • Enemy of the Faith
  • Foe of the human race
  • Carrier of death and robber of life
  • Shirker of justice
  • Root of all evil
  • Fomenter of vice
  • Seducer of men
  • Cruel demon
  • Traitor of the nations
  • Instigator of envy
  • Font of avarice
  • Source of discord
  • Exciter of sorrows
  • Wicked tempter
  • Ancient serpent
  • Profligate (shamelessly immoral) dragon
  • Asp, basilisk
  • Lion
  • Dragon
  • Prince of accursed murder
  • Author of lechery (unrestrained indulgence of sexual desire)
  • Leader in sacrilege
  • Model of vileness (wretchedness and utterly evil)
  • Teacher of heretics
  • Inventor of every obscenity
  • Ancient adversary
  • Archenemy of the earth
  • Wicked enemy
  • Ruler of this world’s darkness.
In the Revised Rite of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications of 2014, the Devil is referred to as:
  • Ancient foe of mankind
  • Father of lies
  • Unclean spirit
  • Satan
  • Adversary of faith
  • Enemy of the human race
  • Purveyor of death
  • Root of evil
  • Seducer of humankind
  • Master of deceit
  • Accursed dragon
  • Power of darkness
  • Infernal enemy
  • Cunning serpent
  • Diabolical legion
  • Enemy of human salvation.
The appellations are really more on what he does than simply a personal name.

The Enemies of Spiritual Liberation and Healing

4.2 The Enemies of Spiritual Liberation and Healing

If we are to be asked what have we observed to be the major hindrances for the speedy healing and liberation of a spiritually afflicted, we would enumerate the following:
  • Gluttony
  • Unchastity/Lust (including all illicit and immoral relationships, sexual sins, abortion, pornography)
  • Substance abuse (drugs and alcohol)
  • Greed and Envy
  • Worldly Sadness (sadness for the absence of food, drink, sex, and wealth in one’ life)
  • Anger and Hatred (including violence towards self and others)
  • Sloth (Spiritual Laziness)
  • Vain-glory (vanity and sinful extravagant lifestyle)
  • Pride
  • Unforgiveness
  • Resentment
  • Occult and New Age Practices
  • Idolatrous Practices (including all superstitious practices and beliefs)
  • Unrepentance
  • Bad Confession (hiding sins from confessor)
  • Lack of Faith and Trust in the Power, Love, and Mercy of God (including despair and attempts of suicide)
  • Lack of Loving Surrender to the Divine Wisdom and Will
One would notice that included in the list are sins directly connected with the flesh. Although sins of the flesh flow from human weakness, but it is those sins that men readily succumbed to without even the slightest resistance. They simply consider it normal, part of being a human being, as if it is normal that men simply give in. In this case the evil one uses this human tendency to his advantage. Because knowing how man readily seeks pleasure, he can then hook him up to addiction and slavery.

The other category has something to do with emotions, passions and desires. Here the will is the target. The evil one uses the strong negative emotions in a person making it ever alive in one's heart. Again bondage is so easy to forge. In fact the sins of the flesh are easily forgiven in the sacrament of reconciliation if confessed. However, the sins that flow from remembering of wrongs, that is from emotions, passions, and desires are often hidden and not confessed at all. In this case the attack would always be in that level simply because the person would not let go and surrender to God the memory and the feeling.