Thursday, 26 March 2015

Unclean Spirits • Dammed Souls • Poor Souls In Purgatory • And Good Spirits Which Is Which?

The rule of thumb is easy to remember:

Unclean spirits (demons or fallen angels) - deceive
1. Unclean spirits are evil and therefore lead people to evil things and separate them from God and others.
a. Unclean spirits want to receive human homage. They require sacrifice offering whether of food, animal blood, or any peace offering. Otherwise, they threaten sickness and malefice on victims. The act of offering is itself a grave sin of idolatry and a sign of surrender to the powers of the unclean spirits.
b. Unclean spirits in their desire to deceive will do all kind of tricks even to pretend to be an of “angel of light”, that is, appearing to be good or to appear as Our Lord or Our Lady or one of the Saints or Holy Angels. But it is by their message and the fruit that it produces both in the visionary and the people that would show that they are not of God. Pride, vain glory, and disobedience on the part of the visionary is a sure sign of the deception.
c. Any vision of spirits through the occult third eye is almost always a vision of creatures in the praeternatural realm and therefore of the world of the fallen spirits or demons no matter how beautiful and gentle they appear to be.
d. Unclean spirits promise powers, wealth, and pleasure. These powers include even those of healing which is at first glance good because it can help people. But if there are evil or negative possibilities in the exercise of the power even if remotely possible, is already proof of the risk of contamination. A healer who can heal and also can inflict illness through some form of sorcery or ill will even if the latter he never ever intends to do is a proof of the negative source of the power
e. Unclean spirits can hide and remain undetected in persons who seem to be religious, pious, and spiritual. But pride in the person and stubbornness of not wanting to listen to the true teachings of the Church or Scripture is a sure sign of the demon hiding behind a guise of religiosity.
f. Any hypersensitivity that has developed through the practice of New Age techniques is always judged to be occult in nature.
g. Unclean spirits or demons lead people to debauchery and licentiousness and never to virtue and holiness
h. Unclean spirits encourage those they victimized to grow in pride and vainglory and other vices.
i. Unclean spirits always want to come and possess people by inviting them either to come with them in a place (kingdom and be made a royalty) or to be allowed to enter their homes or bodies.
j. Unclean spirits will isolate their victims from God so that they would not pray, or from the Church so that they would not believe her teachings, and from people especially their loved ones so that they would feel that they are not loved or understood
k. Unclean spirits linger in places, looking always for someone to devour
l. Unclean spirits have aversion to sacred things and sacred persons.
m. Unclean spirits invade, they have no respect for free will. They will harm, they will harass, they will oppress, they will possess, they will destroy.

Damned souls (persons who rejected God's love and mercy, or are in the state of mortal sin until death) - do not go in and out of hell

2. Damned souls do not escape hell. Their eternal judgment has already been given at the point of death. Hence, all spirits that enter into our world through occult practices especially by spiritism, mediumship, Ouija board, and possession are always demonic in nature.

Souls of the Faithful Departed - request for prayers
3. Souls of the Faithful Departed can appear to the living is something attested to even in the lives of the saints. And the way to determine this is as follows:
a. A soul from purgatory is not a specter or phantom. The apparition should not cause terror to the visionary and even if the latter is frightened this is only because of initial surprise. The spirit would often remove fear. And the spirit would immediately state its purpose which is to ask for suffrage or prayers.
b. A soul from purgatory is at home with prayer to God because it longs earnestly to be with God. The visionary should in faith immediately offer a prayer for the faithful departed without talking to it directly. Offering a Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Gloria Patri, Requiem aeternam for the eternal repose of the soul of the departed should immediately produce an effect. If the spirit responded positively then this is a sign that the spirit is a blessed soul in purgatory. If the response is negative, that is, an angry reaction, or no reaction, then the spirit is an unclean spirit. The visionary then should continue praying. The Salve Regina or the Holy Rosary is very helpful to ward off unclean spirits. In no means should the visionary ever attempt to talk to the spirits even if they are from purgatory.
c. A soul from purgatory is a holy soul and therefore should not be afraid of holy things. The spirit should not react negatively to the blessed sacramental the visionary is using. Nor is there an attempt of the spirit to have the sacramental removed from its presence or from the body of the visionary. If it reacts negatively then its nature is demonic.
d. A soul from purgatory does not need a body to convey its message. There should be no attempt on the part of the spirit to ask the visionary to allow it to enter or possess the body because it would like to convey an important message, a loved one. Any request to enter a human body is already a definitive sign that it is an unclean spirit. The visionary then would act as a medium and this is in itself sinful and forbidden by God Most High.
e. A soul in purgatory does not linger in a place. Lingering spirits in places whether in buildings or in nature or particular localities (i.e. forest, waterways, crossroads, mountains, etc) are always judged to be unclean spirits.

The Blessed Souls in Heaven - pray for us and bring us God's peace

4. Good Spirits like the Holy Angels and the Saints will always convey the peace that only God can give. It will always lead the visionary to a closer relationship with God, His Church, the Sacraments, to a love of prayer, to a desire to grow in virtue and holiness, to authentic penance and sacrifice for the love of God and neighbor. If they have a message, it would never contradict the revealed truths of the Catholic Faith, its faith and morals, or cause heresy or schism. Obedience to the Church in her Magisterium and the lawful ecclesiastical authority such as the confessor, spiritual director, local bishop, or the pope is always a sign of a humble soul. Any message by the visionary that teaches otherwise is suspect as coming from the enemy of our faith and salvation.

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