Tuesday, 17 March 2015

What are the types of Exorcisms ?

Prayer of Liberation (Deliverance), Minor Exorcism, Major Exorcism, Diagnostic Exorcism

It is not universally clear what comprises a minor or “simple” exorcism. There are those who say that a supplicatory prayer where, the Christian faithful (lay or cleric) petitions the Almighty or the intercession of the Angels or Saints to rebuke the unclean spirits harassing a person, place or object is a minor exorcism. Meanwhile, there are those who say that as long as the Roman Ritual of Exorcisms or specifically the imperative prayers found there are not used, then it is a simple exorcism.

Prayer of Liberation and Deliverance Prayer

In practice prayers to be freed from the influence of unclean spirits without commanding them directly are generally called “prayers of liberation” or “prayers of deliverance”. Often the petitioner whether clergy of lay faithful implores the Almighty, Our Lord Jesus, or the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints and Holy Angels to expel the unclean spirits or curb their influence on the self or in another person, place, or object.

Minor Exorcism

Strictly speaking, prayers (not found in the Rite of Exorcism) that curbs the influence of the evil spirits are called “minor or simple exorcisms” proper. However, the document Inde Ab Aliquot Annis: On The Current Norms Governing Exorcisms by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, of September 29, 1984, limit its use only for the priests. Therefore, whether the prayer is from an official text or spontaneous or composed, as long as there is a direct command to the evil spirits, this would then be limited to the priests. Yet, even the use of minor exorcisms by the priests are regulated by the same document.

“Bishops are asked to guard lest those who lack the required power attempt to lead assemblies in which prayers are employed to obtain liberation from demons, and in the course of which the demons are directly disturbed and an attempt is made to determine their identity. This applies even to cases which, although they do not involve true diabolical possession, nevertheless are seen in some way to manifest diabolical influence.” (Paragraph 3)

In which case then, it is the opinion of the redactor, subject to verification from canon lawyers and liturgical experts, that minor exorcisms are then limited to those which are clearly identified as such in the Extra-Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The 1917 Code of Canon Law §1153 has this to say: “Ministri exorcismorum qui occurrunt in baptismo et in consecrationibus vel benedictionibus, sunt iidem qui eorundem sacrorum rituum legitimi ministri sunt.”

Therefore, we list known minor exorcism prayers, to wit:

  • The exorcisms found in the rite of the catechumenate and all other exorcistic gestures prior to baptism
  • The exorcisms performed preceding the blessing of certain sacramentals (e.g. medal of St. Benedict, Salt and Water, Oil, Candles, etc.)
  • The Pope Leo XIII Prayer Against Satan and the Apostate Angels
  • The exorcism prayer and imposition of the hands during the Anointing of the Sick
  • All Supplicatory Prayers found in the Rite of Exorcisms both in the Extra-Ordinary and Ordinary Forms.
 Major Exorcism

A major or “solemn” exorcism is used only for those who are truly possessed. And in these cases only a priest authorized by the local ordinary (bishop of the territory where the exorcism is to be performed) can do it using the approved text for the exorcism of the possessed. In this case this is the Roman Ritual of Exorcisms either in the Extra-ordinary form of the Roman Rite of Exorcism or in the Ordinary-form which is in the Roman Rite of Exorcism and Certain Supplications.

Diagnostic Exorcism

Some exorcists when they would like to know whether a person is truly possessed, because not all the signs of a true energumen is manifested, or a doubt exists whether a demon is truly present in the person, would use one or two or all the Supplicatory and Imperative prayers of the Extra-ordinary form of the Roman Ritual of Exorcism. If there would be a clear reaction to the exorcism prayers (either during the session or a few hours or days after) then, the exorcist is certain that a demon is present and therefore a major exorcism is to be done. Otherwise, if there is no reaction, then either a minor exorcism or prayer of liberation suffices.

In the Praenotanda # 16 of the new Roman Ritual of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications, require that an exorcism be used only when the exorcist is “certain” of possession. This creates a dubitum on the mind of exorcists. They assume that the new ritual is not to be used unless there is certainty of demonic possession. This thereby bars the exorcist from using the ritual for diagnostic motives. Hence, exorcists would use the old rite for this purpose as there is no clear prohibition for using it to diagnose the presence of an unclean spirit.

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